Power Morcellator Lawyers
A power morcellator is a device used to aid in the removal of large amounts of tissue in laparoscopic surgeries. The use of morcellators to divide masses of tissue before their removal from bodily cavities helps make surgeries less invasive and thereby less painful and risky, making this a popular practice in the recent past. Commonly used in hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) and myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids, which can cause female infertility) surgeries, morcellators are now known by medical professionals to spread bits of cellular tissue from the masses they are used to remove. In typical hysterectomy and myomectomy cases, in which the masses themselves are benign, but their presence causes medical concerns, the spread of uterine tissue is not dangerous. It is estimated, however, that about 1 in every 350 women is at risk for unforeseeable leiomyosarcoma, a form of uterine cancer that is spread throughout the belly cavity when power morcellators are used in laparoscopic surgeries on the uterus. The FDA has therefore called for the discontinuation of morcellation in hysterectomies and myomectomies when any other options are available for these procedures, stating that doctors should use morcellation sparingly and acknowledge the risk they take for their patients in recommending the procedure. A number of women for whom morcellation was utilized have suffered and even died as a result of aggressive uterine cancer “seeded” by power morcellators during hysterectomy or myomectomy surgeries. They make their case against the manufacturers of the machinery, which failed to notify doctors or patients of the dangerous cancer-seeding side effects of their use. If you or a loved one struggled with aggressive uterine cancer following a procedure involving the uterus, you may be entitled to benefits based on your lack of knowledge to help cover expenses associated with the illness.
Grimes Teich Anderson LLP works only for the innocent victims of negligent corporate interests
Let us represent you in your power morcellation claim. Our personal injury lawyers have proven experience filing suit against negligent corporations whose actions have hurt or killed patients, and our expert investigators will secure any and all evidence out there to help you get the compensation to which you are entitled for treatment and other costs stemming from your leiomyosarcoma seeded by a morcellation procedure.
Corporations and their attorneys are out to protect their own financial interests, so waiting for them to cut you a check for your treatments and other costs associated with the medical issues they have caused you is rarely a viable action. Similarly, if you handle your claim alone you might underestimate the value of a claim or wait too long to file it, costing you many of your legal rights and in many situations even thousands of dollars. If you were victimized by the hidden cancer-seeding potential of power morcellation in a routine procedure on your uterus, do not attempt to handle your claim without a Grimes Teich Anderson personal injury attorney representing you. Otherwise, you may lose out on all or part of the benefits available to you to help you through your situation.
Free Case Evaluation
If you or a loved one was faced with hyper-aggressive uterine cancer following a routine laparoscopic hysterectomy or myomectomy, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other costs because the cancerous tissue was spread by morcellation. If you think this describes your situation, contact Grimes Teich Anderson LLP today at 800-533-6845 to request a free injury consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney. For your convenience, you can also opt to submit a free case evaluation form online.
Grimes Teich Anderson LLP has law offices located in Spartanburg and Greenville, South Carolina and Asheville, Waynesville, Rutherfordton, Spruce Pine, and Franklin, North Carolina.